The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Ep. #98: Introversion, Extroversion and High Sensitivity

Ep. #98: Introversion, Extroversion and High Sensitivity

I'm sure most of you know what it means to be an introvert or an extrovert, right? Introverts are often more quiet and reserved and they recharge by turning inward, while extroverts are more social and recharge their batteries through social interactions.

Super brief summary, but it's a stepping stone to what I really want you to know, and that's that being an introvert and being highly sensitive are two separate traits. Highly sensitive is not just another word for being introverted.

It is possible to be extroverted and highly sensitive, but it's much less common.

The breakdown is 30/70. Thirty percent of highly sensitive people are extroverts, seventy percent are introverts. Keep in mind that these stats are within a group that makes up roughly 20% of the population in general. So when you think about the odds of encountering highly sensitive people in a public school classroom, for example, roughly 14 out of 100 kids are going to be introverted and highly sensitive, while only 6 out of 100 are going to be extroverted and highly sensitive.

In this episode, we look at what it means to be extroverted and highly sensitive, and how this information can help you as a parent to better meet your child's needs.


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The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Parenting a highly sensitive child can feel overwhelming, and all the parenting books in the world can only get you so far if your head and your heart are out of alignment with your child's.
Each week life coach Julia McGarey shares her experience of high sensitivity and guides you through the paradigm shifts needed to be the parent your sensitive child needs. Together we can create a new parenting paradigm.
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