The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Ep. #110: Holiday Traditions

Ep. #110: Holiday Traditions

Are your holiday traditions enhancing your experience or adding more stress?

I recently saw a Kids Eat in Color post that talked about the Switch Witch. Do you know that tradition? Essentially, the Switch Witch allows kids to set out their extra candy and trade it in for a new toy.

In the video, Jennifer says that the Switch Witch worked great for her oldest child - they loved getting a new toy and had no problem trading in their candy. But for her youngest, the whole idea was creating a lot of anxiety and damaging their relationship with food/candy.

So, as we wrap up Halloween season, I want to invite you to consider what worked well for your family this year and what didn’t. What traditions will you keep going? What will you drop next year?


The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Parenting a highly sensitive child can feel overwhelming, and all the parenting books in the world can only get you so far if your head and your heart are out of alignment with your child's.
Each week life coach Julia McGarey shares her experience of high sensitivity and guides you through the paradigm shifts needed to be the parent your sensitive child needs. Together we can create a new parenting paradigm.
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