The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Ep. #74: Balanced Scheduling

Ep. #74: Balanced Scheduling

We are approaching our fall break here in the United States, and it felt appropriate to talk a little bit about balanced scheduling.

It is so tempting, especially if school has been taxing for your child and you've been dealing with after-school meltdowns on a frequent basis to envision the holidays as a lovely, relaxed time without schedules. A time to reset.

Or maybe you fall into the opposite camp. Your holidays are busy and you are looking forward to time spent with extended family, enjoying good food and kicking off the winter holiday festivities.

Either extreme - overscheduling or underscheduling - can lead to days off that are more stressful than they need to be. Kids in general, but especially sensitive kids, need some structure and predictability to feel safe, but they also need downtime to recharge.

They need balanced scheduling.

Balanced scheduling is a concept that I've come up with that consists of three components:

  • having a daily rhythm.

  • scheduling in down time.

  • planning fun outings together in advance, but not every day.

In this episode, we're going to take a look at each of these components and how you can implement them to help your holidays flow more smoothly and feel more relaxing.


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The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Parenting a highly sensitive child can feel overwhelming, and all the parenting books in the world can only get you so far if your head and your heart are out of alignment with your child's.
Each week life coach Julia McGarey shares her experience of high sensitivity and guides you through the paradigm shifts needed to be the parent your sensitive child needs. Together we can create a new parenting paradigm.
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