The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Ep. #100: Transparency

Ep. #100: Transparency

I value transparency.
I created this episode to share some of the things that I often assume people know about me that are actually really important aspects of who I am and how I show up as a coach. If you've been following the podcast for a while, these things probably won't be new to you, but I wanted to create an episode where they all could "live," so to speak.
I wanted to create an episode that would let anyone who is new to the podcast or my work can get a sense of who I am and where I'm coming from from the very beginning.

Please know that I am here for questions.
Your messages are welcome.


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The Lifeline
Parenting Your Sensitive Child
Parenting a highly sensitive child can feel overwhelming, and all the parenting books in the world can only get you so far if your head and your heart are out of alignment with your child's.
Each week life coach Julia McGarey shares her experience of high sensitivity and guides you through the paradigm shifts needed to be the parent your sensitive child needs. Together we can create a new parenting paradigm.
Sign up for the lifeline, a weekly-ish email for parents, at
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